Learning one class at a time

Getting a degree one class at a time, slow and steady is the path to take.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

School, work and single parenting

Since I have taken this adventure in my life of going back to school it has been very interesting. When I first started I had been recently laid off of work and so I had decided to return to school and get a degree so that I may have more options when looking for a job and also so I would be closer fit to what employers were looking for.

So because I had started school when I was laid off I made school my work. I was able to put all my effort into it since all I had was school and then be a mom. It worked out really great because I did my school work while my kids were in school so I wasn't taking any of my time away from them.

Well this past week I started a new job and now I am finding out how hard it is to juggle work, school, and home all in one. I feel like I am constantly working on something. I either am working on school work or I am helping my kids or I am at work. It makes life very busy and school a whole lot harder than it was.

I am sure that as time goes by I will get into a flow and it will all work out just fine it is just hard right at the moment. I do not know how single moms with small children do it at all. My youngest is 16 so it isn't like I have to watch him constantly and he can help out around here. I give single moms with small children a lot of credit for what they do. I mean I complain sometimes with all that I do and I have older kids I couldn't imagine doing school, work and parenting by myself with small children.

As I continue on this journey it will be interesting to see how it changes now with me having a job and school. If anyone has any suggestions on how to juggle all of this I am more than willing to hear them.

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